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The Wearable-Tech Revolution


Wearables are the next tech frontier! This beautifully illustrated non-fiction book will help young readers (ages 9-12) consider the pros and cons of technology, and if innovation can go too far. Superpower? answers questions like:


  • What is wearable technology?

  • How are cutting edge applications changing our lives?

  • What are the benefits of wearable technology in healthcare?

  • What are the dangers of wearable technology?

  • How do we design technology safely and ethically?

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To write this book, I met with young inventors, some even your age. Be prepared to be blown away by their passion for designing technology to make the world a better place and what they think we should all understand about the pros and cons of wearables.

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Elaine learns from FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Grade 8 students at Glen Ames Sr. Public school about their virtual reality project, and the upsides and downsides of technology.

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